From its inception in 1997 to its final update in late 2005, the infamous INSEX web site produced the most spectacular and artistic and creative bondage the world has ever seen. Severe, shocking, and gritty, INSEX regularly took women on a journey beyond their most intimate and delightful sexual fantasies, unspeakable perversions, and terrifying nightmares.
Now presented in archive format, the infamous INSEX lives on. It’s variety, originality, and quality remain unmatched. Join INSEX ARCHIVES today and gain access to the original archived material that made INSEX a world reknowned compendium of BDSM techniques, a rite of passage for the women who dared to bare their bodies and souls upon its altar, and a continuing inspiration for countless bondage web sites that forever strive to capture some small modicum of the intensity and reality that was INSEX.
A bizarre creation sprung from the mind of the artist, pd, the legacy of INSEX is a one of a kind, surreal collection of over 500 movies, 90,000 high resolution pictures, 5,000 video clips, live performances, and imaginative BDSM writing.
Under ever increasing pressure from the newly conservative United States government and the sexually repressive religious right agenda that gradually gained more and more power each year after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, INSEX was finally forced to end active production once the US government was able to wrest control of the banking establishment under the auspices of the Patriot Act, and thus, at last, cleverly exert the pressure it sought against producers of adult content – through indirect financial means – after repeated “obscenity” prosecutions and direct legal attempts to assault freedoms of speech were blocked by the US courts.
Dismayed that the artistry of INSEX would forever be lost, and bolstered by the outcry of BDSM fans around the world, Intersec Europe was formed by a Dutch citizen to purchase the contents of the INSEX web site, remove it from the US, and preserve it for posterity in the Netherlands, where the sexual freedoms of consenting adults are still safe.
Purchasing, moving, preserving, reprogramming and reformatting the massive contents of the INSEX library was a near herculean effort that very nearly did not come to pass, but a deal was worked out and this site, INSEX ARCHIVES, is the result.
Rebuilding and putting the entire contents of the former INSEX site up at one time is not viable from both economic and technical perspectives, so it has been decided that INSEX ARCHIVES will launch featuring 20 INSEX articles and add random articles twice a each week until the article count reaches 35. At that point, the article that has been up the longest will be taken down and another random article will be posted. The entire contents of the INSEX library will be rotated through before the first article appears again, allowing serious collectors and bondage enthusiasts to gradually acquire every one of the more than 500 articles that make up the BDSM tour de force that is INSEX, while at the same time ensuring its maintenance and continuing existence for future generations of fans. On January 1, 2009 the article count was increased to 50, excluding bonus articles.
In June 2013, The first InsexM article was added to the Archives. InsexM articles will permanently stay online at the end of the Rotating Articles.