Filed Under (The Vault) by Admin on 31-07-2013
Vault update: Tyler stars in her September 19 live feed, as she endures electro torture that made history in the golden years of Insex.
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Vault update: Tyler stars in her September 19 live feed, as she endures electro torture that made history in the golden years of Insex.
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When Insex approached me about doing a 24-hour live bondage session, I didn’t hesitate to say yes! I had always wondered what it would be like to be in constant bondage, what it would be like to not be able to say, “ok, I’m tired, lets quit.” Endurance bondage is considered to be a challenge for me. It looked like it would be a lot of fun to do. I would find out just how “fun” it was going to be. Perhaps even regret so hasty a decision.
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I sat there in my own urine as my head was forced up by the hood that tightly squeezed my neck…adding to the difficulty in breathing. After he locked me into the steel stocks he commented on my hair. “I know your very vain about your hair, it is beautiful, and I think you will like the new purpose I have planned for it.” He pulled the locks forward holding them over my face as he pulled the hood on. I was now breathing through a mat of my own hair. This immediate condition was nothing compared to the small tortures my hair would inflict on me. It was hot in the hood and itches would erupt randomly. This drove me crazy. They only seemed to subside as a desperate need to urinate overtook my consciousness.
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It was simply the trip from hell. The train was delayed at every station. Seemingly on purpose. Every city that train pulled into, had some type of problem. What was supposed to be a nice, relaxing 10 hour trip, turned out to be a nightmarish 18 hours. There was only one thing on my mind when I got off that train.. sleep. But that wasn’t going be happening any time soon. There was still another hour of traveling to do. The hotel was on the other side of town. At this point, meeting the men that Master had made the arrangements with, was the very last thing on my mind. I had some attitude, and it clearly showed. However, that would soon be remedied. The morning would come quick for me…hardly quick enough for Master.
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